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Church Van
Our church van goes out weekly to pick up those who do not have a way to get to church. Use the form linked below to contact the van ministry director to schedule a ride for Sunday.
Sunday Morning Worship
Our Morning worship service meets at 11:15 AM after our Sunday School hour at 10:00 AM. Join us for a time of singing and Bible preaching.
Sunday Afternoon Worship
The Sunday afternoon service meets at 4:00 PM (2 PM on the first Sunday of each month). It is a time to give praise to God. We do this through singing and sharing praise reports.
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study
Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM for a time of prayer and Bible study as Pastor Brian Rice teaches from the Book of Acts.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Our men’s prayer breakfast meets regularly on the second Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM. Men bring food to cook and then share a breakfast together. Afterwards they share prayer requests and spend time praying for the needs shared.
Youth Involved
Youth Involved is our ministry for teens ages 12-19. Teens usually meet every month on the Friday before the third Sunday for an activity. Activities vary, but always include a Bible challenge time shared by Bro. Coleton Visser.
Also, on the second Sunday of each month, the teens lead the afternoon service.
Community Outreach
Our regular soul-winning time is Saturdays at 10:00 AM. During this time we go out in pairs into our community to share the gospel with people we meet at their house and on the street. On the first Saturday of each month we also have a lunch meal after the outreach time.
Our choir sings during the morning service at 11:15 AM, and is lead by Bro. Mark Ocampo.
During our Sunday morning and afternoon services musicians in our church play their instruments during the congregational singing.
Preachers' And Workers' Conference
Once a year we host the Preachers’ and Workers’ Conference. This event is for anyone involved in the ministry of the church, whether as a volunteer or full time.
The next conference meets on June 3-5, 2025. Click here for more information.
Sunday Schools
Adult Sunday School
Our regular adult Sunday School meets in the main auditorium at 10 am and is taught by Pastor Brian Rice. Currently, he is teaching through a series called “Living Beyond Your Capacity” about living a Spirit-filled life.
Teen Sunday School
Our teen Sunday School now meets in the basement (accessible through the rear of the building, through the kitchen) and is currently taught by Josh Dino.
Primary Children's Sunday School
Our Primary Children’s Sunday School class meets every Sunday in the west children’s classroom (room 202) and is taught by Mrs. Carrie Rice. She teaches engaging Bible lessons with a series entitled “Through the Bible in Felt” by Betty Lukens.
Junior Children's Sunday School
Our Junior Children’s Sunday School class (grades 3-6) meets every Sunday in the east children’s classroom (room 203) and is taught by John and Liz Russell. They teach engaging Bible lessons from various parts of the Bible each week.
Foundations Class
This class is for those who would like to strengthen their foundation of their Biblical beliefs. This Sunday school class is four weeks long, repeating every four weeks. You may join on any Sunday. It meets in Room 201 every Sunday at 10 am and is taught by Mike Padua.
Children’s Ministries
Junior Children's Church
Our Junior Children’s Church service meets at 11:15 AM on Sundays. Children in grades 3-6 meet in the east children’s classroom (room 203) and are taught by Bro. Coleton Visser. Children get to sing songs together, memorize the Bible, play a game and hear a Bible lesson each week. This class is currently learning about the ife of Jesus.
Primary Children's Church
Our Primary Children’s Church service meets at 11:15 AM on Sundays. Children in grades K4-2 meet in the west children’s classroom (room 202) and are taught by Beth Delos Trinos and Teresa Anapon. Children enjoy a time to sing songs together, draw, play a game and hear a Bible lesson each week. They are currently teaching about the parables of Jesus.
Patch The Pirate Club
Patch the Pirate Club is a weekly kids music club for children ages 4-12. Children will learn songs each week, hear a Bible lesson, and have an opportunity to share the songs they learn during one of our church services.
During every service at Cornerstone there is a staffed nursery available for all children between the ages 0-4. Ladies from our church volunteer to serve in this ministry.